December 10, 2008

A Day Without a Gay

Today on December 10, 2008 the gay community is taking a historic stance against hatred by donating love to a variety of different causes. Gay people wants to show their strength by boycotting work today. No Gays would go to work today !

The HR office has probably never encountered this before: People across the country are being urged to skip work Wednesday after calling in "gay." !

The loosely organized protest, called "Day Without a Gay," ( is intended as a statement against California's ban on same-sex marriage, along with other political developments considered anti-gay. Some are calling for a boycott of all economic activity to highlight the gay community's financial power.
The motto has stirred a tempest of online debate about the wisdom of skipping work during this deep recession time.

Are the people here mad ? At such times I feel our India is much better. I don't want to comment anything on this to hurt that community. Their views may be right and my perception need to be changed. But for me, I would like to stick to my beliefs, values and culture.

What is more shocking to me is to find that except the PV lead (myself), the Product Line Manager, CSIPT Lead, Engineering Lead and my PV Manager - all of these folks have not turned up today in office. I wish to believe this as a strange coincidence !!!

Siddharth - Our Treasure